Going to be Away..

From today i'm going to be away until Saturday. Going to be at my hubby's kampung and after that going to panjat Cameron Highland.... I'm not really happy for that moment. It just another bribe medium from him to me. :p..... I don't like bribery.....

For those who care... Hehehe. Aku nangis dlm idop aku sepanjang aku kenal erti hidup ni.. Hanya utk 3 org ni.. Mak aku.. Hubby aku and Besfren aku........

So pepaham la ek...Ok got to go...


Ida Chan said…
1. Ahahaha...u dun like bribery, but u still gonna take it anyway :P (x amek kang rugi lak ek :D )

2. Nak sgt tau keadaan ko. isau sbnrnye. R u really ok? xpe2 nt ko dh blk kite story-mory-morng-glory k. All d best! Bertabah n berserah padaNya cos Allah swt knows wat's best for us.
Siti Fatimah said…
itu la psl...dun likey...but gonna take it anyway...ohyaa.. i've taken it by the way...

bese aa kuyu...cm bese bende tu dilupekan aje...kalu aku bangkitkan kompom die naik angin smpai aku tak terhandle dh.....bkn apa...wpn gi cameron...sbenanye byk agenda bersama keluarga dia....abg dia nk gi haji kn....so cm tak best plak la kalu bermasam muke ke apa....

tapi ade 1 part kt cameron aku gerammm gileee.....nnti aku cite kt ko secara private..malas nk cite sini..nnti kuyu pn baca...nnti die hangin...muahahahahahahaa.....

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