Perak oh Perak

I AM NOT trying to provoke or showing my objection to the government. But for me, this is an aswer why YB Nizar wants to fight it so much. This is not about winning or loosing. But i see now, who is fighting his heart for the people and who is not. I understand now, who is scared and who is bravely came forward and fight. No matter what the tv/media is saying. Gila kuasalah. Langgar undang-undanglah. But i think we should look from one side. WHY in the world that they want to fight IT so much?

Slama ni depa dok ckp, depa dpt sokongan rakyat. So why are they denying voice of the people. Why so scared to BUBAR DUN and do an election. PKR or PAS or DAP don't have the power. SPR is under the government. The much they can do about PENGUNDI hantu, the PKR PAS or DAP can't do it. Knape takot sgt? If people does support u, they'll vote for you. How can you say u have the people's say, when u r denying it! Nizar had proved it to me, HE REALLY WANT TO BUBAR DUN AND DO AN ELECTION... That does shows his credibility of fighting for the people. Not for power.

My friends, don't deny it! You should open your eyes NOW!!!

Mengulas isu yang sama, ADUN Teja, Chang Lih Kang pula menyatakan keputusan Mahkamah Rayuan membenar dan meluluskan permohonan rayuan adalah 'tidak masuk akal'. Bagi ADUN Teja, beliau memaksudkan 'tidak masul akal' keputusan itu dibuat dalam masa yang amat singkat dan hanya merumitkan keadaan dimana Nizar tidak boleh bertugas kerana halangan 'stay order'. Sementara Zambry pula sebenarnya terikat juga dengan keputusan Mahkamah Tinggi yang tidak mengesahkan Zambry selaku MB yang sah, katanya. Secara keseluruhannya, usaha melalui Mahkamah Rayuan ini hanyalah tindakan UMNO dan Barisan Nasional dalam menghalang Nizar bertemu Sultan Perak bagi membuka jalan membubarkan Dewan Undangan Negeri Perak, katanya. Sambil menyifatkan keputusan ini dipengaruhi dalang yang juga memprojekkan rampasan kuasa di Perak Februari lalu, Lih Kang menambah tindakan tidak demokratik ini akan hanya menambah benci rakyat kepada BN.

True indeed! Kalau BN tak tunjuk gelojoh sgt, i think perakians pn takde la menyokong sgt PKR. As they said, they got 31 ADUN menyokong BN. If people still sokong BN, they will still sokong. I don't see why BN should be takot...........

From the first place, IF la, 31 pemimpin sokong BN. Why should you announce it without adakan persidangan dlu. Tup2 Dr. Zambry dh MB. Mcm tak ikot tatacara langsung. 1st step dh nmpk rongaknya. Knapa keed doing mistakes yg questions credibility BN. IF that 31 ADUN is so hebat. BN should not worry. Go fight em if you can!!


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