Sweet Photos By Uncle Keyrol

Wah tak sangka, sj la jenguk2 gmbar2 br uncle keyrol.... Comel2 sumenye... Anak je dh la comel... Bapak nye nmpk ensem plak.. Muahahahahahaha.... Takpe... mmg aku satu2 nya manusia yg claim hubby aku sendiri ensem(maksudnya bkn la org lain tak kate hubby derang hensem.. maksudnya kalu org lain tgk hubby aku beseje.. Aku je kate ensem sgt..... Tu la maksudnya... Tak paham jgk? Tak paham sudah...muahahahahahahaha)... Lets leave it that way.... ;p......... Dlm pada itu sila abaikan si ibu yg tembam gile n bermuke pucat.. Huwaaaaaaaa.... Mmg aku gemuk ke? HAhahahaa...tak nak ngaku.....

Comel kan?

Jgn tgk anak.. Tgk bapak die.. Muahahahahahaha

Oh aku cair... ehehehe....

One of my favorate...

He is one noble kid... Hope he'll be good, solleh and noble until he's final breath.. Amin....

Die takmau amik gmbar.... huhuhuhu

This is my most favorate... Wak aku nk copy yg besar sket bleh? Aku nk besarkn n frame la... Abg kite frame best kn ni? Heheheheheh

My love of my life... .No2 now... No1 abah die.. No3 adik dia... But actually they all are the same in my heart.. Hehehehee


Pakse la mcm mana... I mmg tak suke bergambar.... Huhuhuhu

Hidden snap shot takpe.....

Ya Allah kurniakan lah keberkatan dan kepada kedua insan dlm gmbar ni.. Amin.. Insan yg sipi2 (Mak mak kepada budak2 tu jgk.. Amin... ehheehhee

Ignore the fat lady please... Huhuhuhu

Oh tu je.. tak puas kn...... Ni sbb camera power ke jurukamera power ni? Heheheheheh.. But aku tak penah tak puas ati kalu gmbar2 wak amik.... Every pics had their own story.. I believe a good photographer have to do that... Means he will be like giving story to people whom seeing his pics...

What a wonderfull and memorable pics... Nnti ida dh sihat ko amik gmbar die ngn Bb lak ek... Can't wait for the shots.......:D


iu rf said…
da besar firdaus... comel sgt..

kirim slm ida eh ct.. ;)

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