Extremely Moist Chocolate Cake

Aku tak tau pesal, aku teringin sgt nk mkn moist chocolate cake sejak dr senin aritu. Tp aku taknak yg KFC punye tuh, wpn iklan tuh la yg buat aku terdetik nk mkn. Aku nk yg EXTREMELY MOIST mcm gmbar yg aku attached tuh. Mcm boleh je nk buat ni.
Aku dapati diri aku ni mcm KREATIF (perasan gile). Wpn tak sume ingredient yg kt atas tu ada, tp aku mcm tau nk substitute dgn apa. Hehehehehehe.
Cume aku takde oven yg bole heat smpai 350 degree. And aku takde mixer. Takkan semata2 nk full fill napsu serakah aku ni, aku nk kene gi bli mixer, oven tu tak kesahlakn. Standard baka kek 180degree je. Maybe 350 tu dlm farenheit ke apa ke kn. Prob kt mixer jela nih. Nk beli ke tak nk beli ke tak.
Secret Recipe takde kek coklat se moist mcm dlm gmbar ni. Tak byk kedai2 kek jual. Kalu ada pn tak se moist yg mcm nih.
Ida plak dh bersalin. Die punye kek je yg moist mcm nih... Huhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhu....
Ni ke nama die mengidam? AKu tak penah lg mengidam stakat ni. Maksudnya takdela aku nk sgt. Kekadang tu aku sebut, tros ada. Mcm lobster aritu. Bg aku tu bkn ngidam. Sbb kalu tak dpt pn aku tak kesah.
Tp kek coklat moist nih aku ase kalu tak dpt mkn aku akan teringat2 je kot. Sbb dr senin tu aku teringin... Huwaaaaaaaa
Chocolate Cake


2 cups flour
2 cups sugar
1 tbsp baking powder
3/4 cup cocoa powder
1 tsp salt
1 cup vegetable oil
1 cup milk
1 cup brewed coffee
1 tsp vanilla extract
2 eggs


Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Grease a 9 inch cake pan (I used four mini springforms) then dust with cocoa powder. Sift the dry ingredients together in a bowl. Add the oil, milk and coffee to the dry ingredients and blend for 2 minutes. Add the vanilla extracts and the eggs, one at a time. Bake for 25 minutes.

Caramel Ganache Frosting


9 ounces milk chocolate
3 ounces bittersweet chocolate
2 tablespoons caramel syrup
1 cup heavy cream
1/4 tsp salt
1 cup unsalted butter


Combine chocolate and cream in a saucepan and stir until melted. Whisk in caramel syrup until smooth. Cool for 1 hour.

Using an electric mixer, beat butter in a large bowl until fluffy. Beat in chocolate mixture.

Frost the cake generously with the ganache.


iu rf said…
pergghhhh... meleleh tengok choc moist ko nuuu... huhuh.. dasatttt

tak tahan mokcikkk

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