Group B Streptococcus Screening
This what they called GBS. Pregnant mom's should do this test/screening between 35 to 37th week of pregnancy. If they are tested positive, the doctor will simply treated them with an antibiotics as simple as penicillin. But some may have a severe alergics of the drugs, but doctors can always go for other medicine. If the mum is taking the medication, the risk of the bb is having problem after birth is 1:4000. But if the mum not aware of having the infections and didn't take any medication or treatment for GBS, her bb will be at 2:200 at risk. But still you need to do the screening if you want to be sure.
Studies show that 90 percent of babies who get early-onset GBS disease begin to show signs of sickness within the first 24 hours of life.These signs include difficulty breathing, unusual irritability, unusual limpness or extreme stiffness, feeding problems, lethargy (a baby who's hard to wake up), seizures, and an unstable temperature. If your baby's rooming in with you or you're already home, and you notice any of these problems, get help immediately.)
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Studies show that 90 percent of babies who get early-onset GBS disease begin to show signs of sickness within the first 24 hours of life.These signs include difficulty breathing, unusual irritability, unusual limpness or extreme stiffness, feeding problems, lethargy (a baby who's hard to wake up), seizures, and an unstable temperature. If your baby's rooming in with you or you're already home, and you notice any of these problems, get help immediately.)
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