Disclaimer Notice

Or so whatever they've been calling it..

For this blog, for now, I've publicized it. Meaning: Everyone may view it now. There's no restriction what so ever. Though, i hope, if anyone wants to copy any of my items down, please let me know. If i could catch you, for copying my writings without telling me in advanced, i will not sue you though. Depends on my emotions that time i suppose. But no lah, because there's nothing here. Not for anyone to become furious what so ever. Because it is simply directly from my mind. Nothing else.

Not for education.

Not for information.

It nothing. Rubbish!

It's just mylife. And i do talk about mylife A LOT!

That's all... :D

And for those, who is interested to comment, please email me at sitilemon2@gmail.com. I will do a brief interviews etc and invite you to comment.

Only blog members are allowed to comment. Even my husband is not a member of this blog, cause i know it is only a waste of time, he will never comment. But i manage to force him to read my blog though. Yeyyy.. :D

So there. Specially dedicated to that person who fed up already after trying to comment and failed. Again, if u r really interested. Do email me okeh? I'll be very glad. :D

Thank you

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