
Pulau Tioman

 The long overdue Pulau Tioman. We planned it for Mac 2021. Found an affordable place, next to the beach, Seaview and so on. But couldn't, cause of the PKP.  Until the government release the state restrictions, so off we went! We went to PD on the 15th. Because i have to attend a Seminar. Stayed there for 2 nights. On the 2nd night, on the 17th, we check out and drive to Tg Gemok, Rompin, Pahang. Arrived at 5am. Couple of short stops to sleep. Me not driving. First few stop until around 3am I managed not to sleep. Accompanying my husband. But suddenly I buzzed off and its 5am and we safely reached Tg Gemok hehehe. 6am we went for Subuh's Prayer at nearby Mosque. Wait outside Jetty there for a while, bought some food. 730am. We went inside Jetty area. Parked our car, registered and did saliva test for 5 of us except Aisha. All negative. Alhamdulillah and wait inside until time for Ferry to Pulau Tioman. Had a simple breakfast. Karipap and waffles. The kids were behaving just fi...


 Aku pernah kawan dengan seorang warga Palestine yang lari dari negara sendiri sebab tak mahu perang. Sampai dah lebih 20 tahun tak jumpa, aku sendiri tak tau dia kat mana. Mungkin dah takde kat dalam dunia yang fana ni. Kat tepi sekolah aku dulu, ada sekeluarga Palestine yang duduk di masjid. Mulanya orang nak menolong. Lepas tu dia jadikan barang dan peralatan kat masjid tu macam barang milik keluarga dia pula. Buat kotor. Dan tak hormat waktu solat. Sedangkan dia dalam masjid tu. Orang lain solat, dia bergelak tawa tengok tv satu keluarga. Not nice la kan. Walau pun ramai je orang Malaysia berdekah2 time masuk waktu. So diorang decide relocate the whole fam. Which aku pun tak tahu kat mana. Well, what i can say. Palestinians just like us. Human. At hard times, we look bad. At good times, we look bad too. Life kot? Dunno! But komen ni aku tak boleh blah. Kau terlalu immersed dalam kehidupan orang kat sana, sampai kau lupa struggles orang kat sini.  1.  Well i have to di...

Use Tea Tree Oil To Combat Body Odor

  1.  As a natural remedy for body odor, use Tea Tree oil as a natural deodorant by  applying 2 drops directly to your underarms after showering to stave off body odor . Be sure to wait about 10 minutes after getting out of the shower, especially if you just shaved, so that your pores can close before applying the oil. 2.  Tea tree oil contains compounds that fight bacteria responsible for body odor. It  can be used to make a safe and effective deodorant . 3.  Tea tree oil is one of the best remedies to combat underarm odor. Its astringent and antimicrobial properties help minimize the pore in your underarms and fight the odor-causing bacteria in the area.  Dip a cotton ball in it  and apply it on your underarms. 4. Q & A Q:   For years, I suffered with the embarrassing problem of body odor. No matter what deodorant I tried, I still seemed to, well, stink. Then one day, I read about the many benefits of tea tree oil and decided to see if...

Dos Pertama: Program Pemberian Vaksin - Astra Zeneca - PWTC KL

Update : Done 2nd Dos on 2nd of August 2021. So, whilst updating this, i am already COMPLETED the vaccination - which is 14 days passed my 2nd dose. Alhamdulillah. Lets just hope i will not catch the virus so i can protect my loved ones who are unable to get vaccinated. InsyaAllah Amin.. ________________________________________________________________________ Time: 12:30pm Date : 31 Mei 2021 Battle 1st batch untuk 200k sumthing AZ dulu aku ragu-ragu juga nak ambil. Tapi lepas sembang dengan kawan-kawan, diorg make a point, Kalau tak vaksin, infected dengan virus C19 lebih tinggi percentage untuk mati dari Kalau amik vaksin. Memang ada yang mati, tapi kalau compare percentage dia sangat rendah compared to kalau mati sebab infected. Tu satu hal. Satu hal lagi 2021 ni, C19 ni macam terlebih sudah mutasi nya. Senang to be infected-airborne, dan kalau kena, walaupun mungkin tak mati, severity sangatlah menakutkan. Ada yang survived tapi lepas tu ada masalah pernafasan. Ada yang survived tap...

Save Me

 As if i'm waiting for someone to save me My heart was so lonely As if i'm just a point people use to be laugh at They were looking down on me As least that was i thought Physically, i could be smilling But i'm just torn inside They might heard of me laughing But i'm just broken pieces they never see I know these loneliness killing me  But there was nothing i could do I'm like having two me One who was happy and lively The other just cried in her sleep I might be talking nonsense I might be that spiteful talk person They might hurt by my words I'm just torn, I don't know what i am And i know, it's not the right reason

Akulah Hayati Episod 1

Tenggelamnya Kapal Van Der Wijck Kisah pasal seorang lelaki berketurunan Minangkabau dari bapanya. Namun bapanya telah berkahwin dengan wanita dari keturunan lain. Telah terbuang. Merantau dan hidup jauh di sebuah tempat bernama Mengkasar. Lelaki itu bernama Zainuddin. Sejak kecilnya Zainuddin dibela oleh seseorang bernama Mak Base, kerana saat dia masih bayi, ibunya meninggal. Kemudian masih dalam lingkungan 5 ke 6 tahun ayahnya yang dari Minangkabau itu pula meninggal. Tapi dia beruntung kerana Mak Base baik. Dan dia dibela dan dibesarkan dengan baik. Cukup belanja walau tak mewah. Setelah besarnya, dia teringin nak kembali ke tempat asal ayahnya. Tertarik dengan keindahan-keindahan alam yang ayah dia ceritakan mengenai tempat asal ayahnya iaitu di Batipuh, Pasir Panjang. Sebuah kawasan kampung. Kalau ikut penceritaan, ada Gunung Merapi. Area situ la kiranya. Memang lawa. Ayahnya suruh balik ke situ, sebab nak suruh mengaji, belajar agama, jadi golongan-go...

Its 11.11

Another 7 hari before birthday Ammar. Celebration with friends on 14.11 ni kat sekolah kebangsaan. So ok la tu, mama bg kek 1.  Malam td, lepas dinner kt luar, balik rumah, mama terus naik atas, proses baju nak gosok. Nak pastikan gosok semua, so senang nk menghadapi hari2 mendatang. Washing Machine masuk bengkel. Tak rosak teruk, tapi sebelum teruk, abah decide hantar bengkel. Macam kereta jugak ek washing machine nih huhuhhu. Sebenarnya washing machine ni sgt reliable, tapi capacity dia yang tak reliable untuk menampung keluarga kami. I told you so En. Shahrun Hisam! We need bigger loads! Tapi tak apa, kita cuba fix in, di samping, pelan nak tambah anak terpaksa digugurkan. Kesian machine tuh. Senak weih! Hahahahaha.... So as for now, Abah akan ke laundy mate 2 hari sekali. Datang weekend, 4 loads of baju! RM20 tukar coins pun tak ckp. *sigh*.... SO, sebenarnya nak cerita malam tadi. Semua orang dah ready masuk tidur, tiba-tiba Aisha shouted out. NAK NUGGET! Aisha lapar at 10.45pm!. ...