Tag About My Hubby

Tag yang tidak ditag tapi aku nk jawab. Hohoho

First time jumpa with your hubby bila dan kat mana?
Back in 2003 - NZ...been classmates but never really talk to each other

Love at first sight?
ermm tak la kot....;p

Who is he when the first time u met him?
utm student doing practical in KL near my house..hohoho..wpn sbenanye takde kaitan

How long it takes for him to ask you out for a date?
Erm tak igt plak. Tak lama kot... Sebab tanya melalui YM je. Ekekekek

1st place dating di..
KLCC - tgk final destination.. hohho. Pstu gi mkn kt NZ.. .Which is on different date. Masa tu mcm kwn2. So mcm tak malu sgt bila kuar berdua. Tapi masa tu dh terpikat ngn mata dia kaler coklat. Hohohoho... Mata sj...ahaha

How he proposed?
Die tak proposed.. Tapi bila tanya. Betul2 ke dh pilih diri ini sbg isteri, dia ckp YES. So jom kita kawin ( aku yg ckp ). So kawin lah. Hohoho

Special date with your hubby?..
Kami takde date couple, sbb terjadik couple mcm tu je ntah bila2 ntah start serius. Tau2 dh nk kawin. So nikah 4 Ogos 2006. Sanding 5 Ogos 2006. :D
And 1st Son on 30th July 2007. 2nd Son on 30th May 2009.

Changes that he asked you to do??..
Erm.. let see. BANYAKK sbenanye. Kalau boleh tak suka aku outspoken sgt. Taknak aku lawan dia sgt. Dgr je ckp dia. Erm byk la tak igt sume. Huhuhu. Still adjusting myself...

What about him that you love so much?.
Tak tau nk ckp apa. Because i just simply love him. ;p

What is about him that you wish he would change?
Takde kot. If he change, then it wouldn't be the same... Kn?

You will lose your mind n crack your head when he?..
ha ah. Sama ngn IU.. Kalau dia merajuk mmg tak tau nk wt apa. Huhuhuhu

You will smile thru your eyes for the whole day when he?..
Gud mood, anak2 melalak lalak pn dia boleh senyum lg. Masa tu rasa mcm legaaaaa. Heheheh. And of course when he did the laundry, the sweeping, the cooking and on and on. Kekekeke

Complete below sentences "my love towards my hubby is as big as.."...
I tak boleh nk ukur. Because ianya tidak boleh diukur langsung....

Siti Fatimah Khairiah M Amin


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