My Chemical Romance...

Today i'm going to talk about kenangan silam....lately everything coming towards me....i think this is mainly because kak chik bukak story dia hari tu...ehehehe...tapi bagus jgk...i stop looking at my life too much now....maksudnya aku hadapi je la apa pun. klau tak tu..when looking to much on current situation..byk aje tak kene...ha mcm lebih normal plak cmni....

contoh nya...klau dlu balik kerja..suma benda aku nk buat...and aku ase minda aku telalu occupied dengan pekerjaan apa nk kene buat..what to do next and next and next......aduhhh tensii sgt.......but now...aku more mcm...hmmm dlu apa aku buat time2 ye....dlu aku satu bilik dgn ida....slalu gi bilik kak chik..or jmpa dengan hannan...or duk umah sewa.......waiting for friends to come over...or lepak dekat lab semalaman buat assignment.....or having a night dekat lab while somebody i do not know who was singing along me...or going to genting last minute decision and sleep there for the first time next to my boyfriend...mcm takdela buat apa yg bohsia buat kn.....lgpn ada gurl yg masa tu overweight...bayangkn minah yg skang dh jd kecik molek..dlu die dh la tinggi..besar plak tu..occupying almost the whole area inside a kancil...ahahahaha

so i found out that....aku kurang ase penat..almost all the job is done...and aku ada masa utk baring2..main2 dgn firdaus...i think the main thing that i need to do is calm down...and forget about the planning..just do what i got to do...remember....stop being a paranoid...ehehehehehehe

byk tul kenangan...tu blom sebut kenangan time keje....whole bunch of friends that i've made a long the way....god....i've been so far...aku dh tua skang........byk btol yg aku dh lalui..yet..i feel so empty...maksud aku...betapa byk lg i dont see......i dont rasa mmg aku slow sgt....kalu aku ckp takpe..klau org ckp...wah....bole naik darah...ekekekekeke.....

bila aku balik....tgk anak aku.....terkenang masa aku bersalin kn dia......well epidural..nothing much to bila die dh keluar...wah biru 1 badan...kesian die..dh lama dh nk mama tak rasa so mama diam je la...upenye dh nk kuar anak mama..huhuhu....tu la kalu kene jaga dgn doktor pelatih...doktor pro tgk detak jantung baby pn dh tau contraction is showing the baby is coming out.........aku tgk pn aku dh panik.....dr 150 bit per second.....bit tu decrease smpai 80 to 90 per second...nmpk sgt mcm something wrong.....upenyr becoz the baby already and downside..mmg nk kuar sgt2 dh......cume ase nk terberak yg really2 mild....nk terberak pn lg sakit dr tu...tu la ajaib nya epidural........................

and teringat bila doktor tanya..boy or girl? ha? knape tanye tak nmpk ke kote trketing2 tu? lelakiii......teringat plak fazi kwn aku..doktor tanya die..exactly the same question...die dgn mamai2 jwb..lelaki...heiii....ha kn dh kene jerit...sbenanye pompuan....ahahahahaha..bengong je...tu klaka..................

lg apa kenangan......first time being a wife......the first day....being a puan.....skejap je..aku dh jd puan...first outing as a to my hubby..went shopping....first day going to shop with hubby....ahhh..that's all memories....ehehehe

lg lama memories tu berlalu..lg kita lupe sbenanye.....mcm memories mcm 1st year...i didn't state here..because memories..are replacing them......bkn la maksudnya aku lupa telalu jauh aku dh pegi.......and memories..keep being to day...time to time..........

tp kalu dpt igt balik..mcm kak chik..cerita time2 gitu..i was one of the watak inside her was really nice reading her blog..............really nice thinking of them and the sweet....and i missed many things to be missed...tamak kn aku....ehehehehehehehhehe............

ok la...dh nk kul 2 dh to sambung my making new memories..i suppose...eehehehe

Siti Fatimah Khairiah M Amin


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