It Has Been A While

hehehe...bertemu kembali kite dlm....BERCERITA Cerita Malaysia....heheheh

lame dh tak update blog nih...ase nk isi sket ade idea..skang dh ilang...muhaahahaha...

haa...aku nk ckp pasal ADLIN yg jd komentator AK......Aku ase, aku sokong komen2 dr die...bahase die mmg pedas and tak pikirkan perasaan org lain.......Well, bg aku, msrkt malaysia ni dh byk dikongkong oleh kebudayaan....Bkn la aku kate..kite ptt buang kebudayaan, atau kebudayaan tu sesuatu yg remeh....No, i'm not saying that...But...Pada aku kita ptt bergerak ke depan....kebudayaan is kebudayaan...kemajuan must survive...sebagai contoh.....ok adlin gune bahasa2 kasar utk memberi komen kat student2 af....komen2 tu buat pelajar2 bukak're not that good man, even though the crowd shouting for must know where you lack of, and dont let yourself leave in the damn...muahahaha...ape aku ckp ni...kirenye...adlin sbenanye bg kate2 peransang...betul ape die ckp tu........the world is never to smooth for you......we know it...just because we like and love af student today, doesnt mean we gonna support them tomorrow...hey...tgk je la ....MAS.........LIZA....wht happened to them? nobody even remember about, the world is harsh....they need harsh people to teach move on.........

tgk je la barat..kenape diorg maju...diorg open....even dlm tv...bole slumber wat lawak kat george kite..kalu ade sape2 kutuk pak lah ke.....mahadhir ke.....ade la yg tak puas yg kutuk tu mmg suffer laa....come on laa........we must have somebody to teach us.....we cant lead our way all the time.......we cant be at the top........we cant be a the top in terms of, if we make mistake......there must be someone we should listen we could realize our mistake...bkn la nk kate jdn la berusaha nk jadi kaya..berjaya...gemilang dan we are human...human make mistake...........bkn la nk kate...dgr la kate2 org sume.........bkn sumer kite kite tapis laa...kite ada otak....mgkin aku salah....mgkn org tu salah tibe2 kite dpt pendapat yg lain sket....kite pon ptt eh...btol ke? mgkin btol kot...mcm adln..die tak ckp ko tu die ckp pon tak menunjukkan org tu bg die ckp...nk bgtau.....ape usaha yg ko buat tu main2......ko ptt lebih berusaha lagi...kalu aku yg dlm pentas tu..sure dh nangis org tak hargai usaha bile aku pikir kali kedua.....hmmm....btol jugak....aku ni wat show syok sndiri...aku ptt piki ape org len nak........

tp tu la aku kate..kite takleh lupe kan budaya kite barat....tgk la betapa hancur nye idop diorg tu.....wpon ade gak yg yg hancur2 tu melampau hancur nye? kite nk jd cmtu ke? inilah namenye cultural shock........bile die dh biase otak die sempit jee.......tibe2 org bukak mate die....shock laaa kite...knape kite tak ptt lupe kan budaya kite? n kenape kite kene bukak minda kite luas2? sbb budaya tu sbg sempadan batasan kite........supaya kite tau......kite tak melangkah jauh meninggalkan tatasusila san keagamaan kite buka minda kite untuk lihat perspektif baru dan majukan diri menteri lak aku ckp ni...whtever it is...pendapat masing2 la kan...hehehe........

tu je la cite yg aku tepiki skang ni.......heheheh

ade gi cite len yg tak best...hehehe........aku menyampah dak opis aku....bodoh......takde baca.....berpikiran mcm org kampung......otak senget........tak profesional.........perasan cantik......mempergunakan org je tau......kwn konon...tak iklhlas sbg kawan...sekian terima kasih........hehehehe......

okla..smpai sini dulu....


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